Mercedes M-Class W163

since 1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Mercedes W163
+ Mercedes-Benz Cars of a class M (W163)
+ Governing bodies and receptions of safe operation
- Current leaving and service
   Active system of the prevention of term of approach planned THAT (ASSYST)
   Schedule of routine maintenance
   General information on settings
   Check of levels of liquids, control of leaks
   Check of a condition of tires and pressure in them, designation of tires and disks of wheels, rotation of wheels
   Replacement of impellent oil and oil filter
   Check of brake system
   Power supply system check, replacement of the fuel filter
   Check of a condition and replacement of hoses of an impellent compartment, localization of leaks
   Check of a condition of multicostal belts of a drive of auxiliary units
   Check of functioning of system of cooling and frost resistance of cooling liquid, liquid replacement
   Check of a condition of system of production of the fulfilled gases
   Replacement and check of level of ATF, AT filter replacement
   Visual check of tightness of automatic transmission
   Check of a condition of components of a suspension bracket and steering
   Check of a condition of boots of power shafts
   Check of central air of air
   Greasing of limiters of doors and cylinders of locks
   Visual control of a seat belt and safety cushion block
   Check of operability of headlights and horn
   Check of a condition and replacement of brushes of screen wipers
   Check of a condition of the battery, care of it and charging
   Replacement of the salonny filter
   Replacement of brake liquid
   Check and replacement of spark plugs, check of a condition of high-voltage wires (petrol models)
+ Engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioner
+ the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the engine
+ Manual box of gear shifting
+ Avtomaticheckaya transmission
+ Transmission line
+ Brake and auxiliary systems
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

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Current leaving and service


Recommended greasings and liquids

Do not allow children to operational materials, - at their hit in an organism of the child immediately address to the doctor!

Apply materials exclusively recommended by the Mercedes-Benz company, - they are listed in special Instructions of firm. On this matter you can receive the reference on HUNDRED. Application of the allowed operational materials is a component of guarantee certificates.

Types of working liquids


See. Specifications to Head Governing bodies and receptions of safe operation


Impellent oil

Petrol models

  • Category on a SSMS standard
G4, G5
  • Category on the API standard
  • Diesel models

Data are absent

Cooling liquid

Antifreeze type

MB No. Q1 03 0002


See. Specifications to the Head of System of cooling, heating and the air conditioner

Manual box of gear shifting

Transmission oil


Automatic transmission

Type of transmission liquid

Dexron II

Brake system

Type of brake liquid

Data are absent

Transfer case and differentials

Greasing type

Gipoidnoye SAE 85W90 oil


CV JOINT greasing

Data are absent

Washers of a windscreen and lenses of headlights

Composition of liquid

Water in a mix with summer «S» (75 ml on tank volume) or winter «W» (2.6 l on tank volume) a MB firm concentrate

Volumes of working liquids


Volume of a fuel tank / including reserve, l

Petrol models

Models 163.136/154/172

  • Release till 31.08.01


  • Release from 01.09.01


  • Models 163.157/175


  • Models 163.174


Diesel models

Models 163.113

  • Release till 31.08.01


  • Release from 01.09.01
  • Models 163.128

Impellent oil

Volume at replacement taking into account the oil filter, l

ML 320 (163.136) 5.5

ML 320 (163.154)


ML 350 (163.157)


ML 430 (163.172)


ML 55 AMG (163.174)


ML 500 (163.175)


ML 270 of CDI (163.113)


ML 400 of CDI (163.128)

Cooling liquid
Volume at replacement, l

Petrol models

ML 230 (163.136)

Data are absent

ML 320, ML 350, ML 430, ML 55 AMG, ML 500 (163.154/157/172/174/175)


Diesel models

ML 270 of CDI (163.113)


Transmission oil/liquid


Volume at replacement of oil, l

1.5 l


Volume at replacement of ATF, l

Data are absent

Brake liquid

Refueling volume, l

0.7 ÷ 0.9

Greasing of a transfer case

Volume at replacement, l


Greasing of differentials

Forward differential, l


Back differential, l


ML 400 of CDI (163.175)


CV JOINT greasing

Amount of greasing in sharnirny assemblies of power shafts of forward and back bridges, g

Internal hinges

Hinge cavity




External hinges

Hinge cavity




GUR liquid

Refueling volume, l


Liquid of washing of a windscreen and lenses of headlights

Approximate volume of the tank, l


Tires and disks

See. Specifications to Head Governing bodies and receptions of safe operation.

Pressure of a rating of tires

Demanded pressure of air in tires is specified in the plate on inside of a cover of the hatch of a jellied mouth of a fuel tank

Efforts of a tightening of carving connections, Nanometer

All models

Drain stopper of the pallet of a case of the engine (М14)


Cover of a casing of the oil filter


Wheel bolts


Drain stopper of the pallet of a case of transmission

  • РКПП


  • АТ


Carving cap of a case of a transfer case


Drain jams of differentials


Jellied jams of differentials


Petrol models

Fastening of gasoline pipe lines to the fuel filter (petrol models)

  • Collars (except models 163.136)


  • Hollow bolts (model 163.136)


Diesel models

Bolt of fastening of the fuel filter to the air distributor

  • Models 163.113


  • Models 163.128


Screw of a coupling collar of fastening of the fuel filter (model 163.128)



This Head is made to help the amateur mechanic to support the car in a condition of maximum efficiency of operational parameters, profitability, safety and reliability. Further you will find the full schedule of procedures of routine maintenance of the car, and also the Sections devoted to the description of service of its separate systems in Head. Descriptions of visual checks, adjustments are included in Sections, replacements of components and other good advice. Illustrations with types of an impellent compartment and the car bottom (will help to define a site of separate components see. Undressed the Schedule of routine maintenance). Serving the car according to the kilometrazhno-time schedule and following the detailed remarks provided below, you receive the accurate program of the service, capable to provide long and reliable service of your car. Remember that this plan is exhaustive, and performance of its separate points and neglect others will not give expected result.

Current leaving

In the course of car service you are convinced soon that is possible - and it is necessary - to combine many procedures in view of similarity of actions on their performance. For example, if the car is raised over the earth for chassis greasing, follows at the same time while you are under the car, to examine system of production of the fulfilled gases, a suspension bracket, system of a steering and fuel system. If wheels are removed for carrying out other works, there is a sense to check brake mechanisms. And at last, suppose, that you had to borrow or hire a dinamometrichesky key. Even if it is necessary to you only to tighten a spark plug, you can check at the same time efforts of a tightening of so many critical nuts and bolts, on time how many will suffice.

The first step in implementation of the program of maintenance of the car is self-preparation. Attentively study materials of all Sections relating to the forthcoming procedures, then prepare all necessary materials, the equipment and tools. If you are afraid to face problems at performance of any concrete works, consult at the expert or at the person who was already carrying out this work.

HUNDRED in addition, at each service, by means of the device for poll of memory of malfunctions read out data from memory of malfunctions of electronic monitors of the engine, ABS, a safety cushion and anticreeping system. It is for this purpose recommended to address through certain periods on HUNDRED. Thus it is necessary to mean that some malfunctions, for example the failed sensors of a control system of the engine, do not lead to appreciable decrease in characteristics of the car. Monitors have a mode of emergency functioning or work at the average values of parameters brought in memory that cannot be revealed by the driver. Poll of memory of malfunctions is carried out via the diagnostic socket.

Service is carried out according to a certain term and car run.