- Details of installation of a forward seat are shown on an illustration which all references meeting in the text concern.
- Remove a seat head restraint (see. Head Governing bodies and receptions of safe operation).
- Give a seat in convenient, opening access to a cap (2) situation, remove a cap and turn out the screw (4) fastenings of an anchor hub (5) of a seat belt.
- Turn out forward screws (1) fastening of the console of assembly of a forward seat (3).
- Shift a seat (3) against the stop forward.
- Turn out back screws (1) fastening of the console of assembly of a forward seat (3).
- Disunite the socket of electroconducting (6) contact knots (X55/3 or X55/4) the corresponding seat.
- Remove a seat (3) and take it from car salon, - try not to damage a paint and varnish covering of body elements.
- Installation is made upside-down, - fixture replace, a carving of bolts before installation grease with special hermetic for fixing of carving connections.